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Next Scheduled Broadcast: April 25th, 2017
"Biomedicine: Behind The Big Pharma Promise"
Listen live on air at Tuesdays, 7:00pm Pacific.
Biomedicine: Behind The Big Pharma Promise Series Program Twenty Nine As a society we have become reliant on high-tech remedies to cure us of disease and improve our physical and mental well-being. Billions of dollars are made by selling us these very promises. But how much of this is really necessary? Are we being exploited by Big Pharma and the biomedicine industry? Are we being sold the illusion of health and longevity through genetically engineered drugs and vaccines designed for maximum profit at minimal production cost? Taking a deeper look into the troubling reality of targeted drug development, the questionable methods of mass producing them, and the huge yet unseen corporations and affiliates profiting behind the scenes at what certainly seems to be consumer expense. Is all of that expense financial or are we paying too high a price by compromising our long-term health without realizing it? How much trust should we be giving these corporations and how much blind faith in their promises?
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