The Listener's Voice
Are you against genetically modified foods and pharmaceuticals? Are you for them? What are your questions and concerns about corporate influence over our protective agencies and the Revolving Door? Would you like to weigh in on biotech, agribusiness and big pharma?
Do you have a question or something of value you would like to share with other listeners? Anna wants to hear from you! This is your opportunity to have your voice heard on the show. Leave a comment, raise your question, or share your ideas on avoiding and labeling genetically modified foods. Your submission may be addressed by Anna and featured in the Listener's Voice segment. The biotech/agribusines industry is placing our human health at risk and denying our fundamental right to know. Consumers are unknowingly purchasing and ingesting these GE products that are inadequately tested, manufactured, and marketed with no regulation. Your voice really does matter so please share what's on your mind! |
"You cannot insert a gene from a bacteria into a seed and call it life. You haven't created life. Instead, you have polluted it. " "In nature's economy the currency is |